Years Old
Filled suitcases
Foster Kids in OC
Our Story
In December 2022, Debby and Joe Thrailkill, grandparents to seven, ages 1-25, had the idea to do a community service project. They met their grandchildren at Target and filled suitcases with essentials for foster youth (who carry what little they have in a plastic trash bag). Essentials included clothing, hygiene items, pajamas, pillowcase, blanket, books, and a handwritten note of encouragement to the child receiving the case. After, Debby and daughter Nikki posted to their social media, detailing their adventure, moms, grandmothers and neighbors commented they would like to do same with their families, and ”My Own, A Case for Kids” was formed! Debby set a goal of providing 340 filled suitcases her first year, which represents 10% of the 3400 children in OC foster care.
Foster Children are typically removed from their home suddenly, and handed a trash bag to collect their belongings quickly. Many time, because of the trauma of this situation, they end up with very little in a plastic bag. Referred to as “trash bag kids,” these children are left without dignity and hope. Debby decided that OC could do better and set out to make a difference.
Debby set up a shop in her garage, bought racks and bins and asked friends and neighbors to help provide for OC foster children. The community quickly took note and joined in to support this worthy cause. Debby began seeking speaking engagements. OC presiding judges praised “My Own,” citing the difference these cases make for foster children, breaking the cycle of trauma and demonstrating love to them. In October, The City of Laguna Beach presented Debby their “Kindness Award”, and Debby was recently featured as KNX Radio’s “Helpful Honda Hero of the Week”. After only one year, more than 750 filled suitcases have been gifted to OC foster children!
Debby believes that faith, family, and service creates a fulfilling life. She is humbled and blessed by being able to serve others. Debby and team strive to serve 1000 foster children in 2024. Any and all help is welcome!

No child deserves a trash bag
In 2023, we donated 750 filled suitcases to foster youth in Orange County. Our goal for 2024? 1,000 filled suitcases or more!
You can sponsor a case for a child:
Contribute a small gift card (Amazon, Costco, Target, Walmart, discount stores)
Give your time or talents
Invite friends or neighbors to help
Provide a speaking opportunity